Saturday, February 4, 2012

Redecorating my kitchen counters!

I try to redecorate my kitchen countertops periodically, but
when I get really serious about redoing...
I remove everything!

This is phase 1

I flipped the "coffee corner" and moved it to the opposite
side of the counter. Tomorrow morning is going to be
r-e-a-l interesting when I wander into the kitchen in
my early morning stupor to concoct our morning
cuppa joe.

And here is the new coffee corner!
I think I'm really going to like it.
The little lamp will remain on  24/7 as
I like a little light on at all times.
It's just a nightlight bulb.

Phase 2 is still to come.

Oh... and if you think that white can opener needs to be
removed... I'm getting there... my three sons gave it to
me one Christmas 10 or 12 years ago.
Funny the things you can be sentimental about!

Stay tuned...

This week I will be linking to...